In an EMERGENCY ONLY, call 911. Ensure that all visitors, guests at your property know the 911 address, including the fire route number if you are located on a private road. When it comes to emergency situations, our fire department is there for us. The Trent Lakes Fire Department responds to fires, extrications, medical and rescue calls. There are four stations:
- Buckhorn Fire Hall #1 – 1718 Lakehurst Rd.
- Cavendish Fire Hall #2 and OPP – 8 Community Complex Dr.
- Galway Fire Hall #3 – 382 Galway Rd.
- Nogies Creek Fire Hall #4 – 760 Peterborough County Rd 36
Equipment includes:
- 4 rescue units
- 4 pumpers
- 4 pumper tankers
- 3 ATVs and rescue stretchers
- 3 boats
- Seasonal rescue equipment
The fire department currently has 50 firefighters who are on call 24/7 to serve our community
Burn Permits
A Fire Permit is required for all open-air burning. Permits are free of charge and must be annually renewed. Information and an online application are available here:–permit. In signing the Burn Permit you are agreeing to comply with all rules contained on the permit. Permits are also available from the Municipal Office.
Outdoor Burning
- The Township uses the Ontario Fire Code Regulation for “Open Air Burning” (Article and the Ministry of Natural Resources Forest Fire Prevention Act to control a potentially dangerous fire condition. Trent Lakes Open Air Burning By-Law
- There are no open air fires permitted between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm from April 1 to October 31 of any given year.
- Any fire cannot be any larger than 2 metres across and 2 metres high.
- A responsible adult MUST supervise and have adequate tools and water supply on hand to contain the fire. Incinerators must have a mesh size of no larger than ½-inch and cannot be within 2 metres of any flammable materials.
- These restrictions can be superseded by wind conditions and/or any FIRE BAN ORDER issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources or the Township of Galway Cavendish & Harvey Fire Department.
Fire Bans
When the Municipality and/or the Ministry of Natural Resources puts a fire ban in place, we immediately place a notice on the Burn Permit Telephone Line, this number is located on your burn permit. Fire Index signs have been erected at all four Fire Halls, as well as the Municipal Office. We also inform the public through the local news media (radio, newspapers, TV). Always call the Burn Hotline before you do any burning.
Ever considered becoming a volunteer firefighter?
Each individual firefighter brings a different skill to the table, which is why we have such a dynamic organization. Some of the different trades our firefighters work at are: business owners, carpenters, truck drivers, paramedics, school teachers and mechanics, to name a few. Being a volunteer firefighter offers many rewards including the unbelievable feeling of helping someone else out in your community in their time of need. If you’re interested in joining the Trent Lakes fire department, please check out the Volunteer Firefighter Application page.
Green flashing lights = move to the right
A vehicle with a green flashing light is a Volunteer Firefighter responding to an emergency call. Please safely move over to the right of the road to let them pass – you could be saving a life.
If you have any questions or require more information regarding outdoor burning or Township Fire and Rescue Services, please call Fire Services at 1-800-374-4009 ext. 230 or 705-738-3800 ext. 230, email or visit